Holly-leaf Cherry (Prunus ilicifolia)

Alternative Names
Evergreen Cherry, Spanish Cherry, Holly-leaf Cherry
Description of Holly-leaf Cherry (Prunus ilicifolia)
Holly-leaf Cherry (Prunus ilicifolia), a member of the Rosaceae (Rose Family), is a large shrub to small tree that grows from 8′ to 30′ tall, sometimes up to 50′ and blooms in the spring (March to May). The fruits, which are drupes (cherries), mature in the summer.
Hosted Species
Pale Swallowtail (Papilio eurymedon)

Western Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio rutulus)
California Hairstreak (Satyrium californica)
Lorquin’s Admiral (Limenitis lorquinii)
Nectar Species
This species is used by other insects and is food for birds and mammals.
This species grows in open areas such as chaparral, scrubland, and woodlands.
Range of Holly-leaf Cherry (Prunus ilicifolia) in the United States and Canada
Interesting Facts
The genus name, Prunus, is Latin for “drupe.” The species name, ilicifolia, is Latin for “holly-like.”
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